N'joy Star Wars Movie in ASCII format in DOS Window.
step1: go to run
step2: type "telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl" without the quotes("")
after you do that you see star wars movie played out in ASCII art... its pretty cool!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Star wars movie in ASCII art
Posted by Nikhil at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Google Phone
Currently I heard rumors that google is going to turn in into mobile phone market, these rumors were accelerated by recent partnership b/w google and samsung to bundle mobile versions of Google applications on Samsung phones. It is expected that google may be working on a samsung powered phone. It is also expected that the Samsung-powered Google Phone will be a Blackberry-like device that would run VoIP services.Currently many pictures are been floating on internet of the phone(just a rumor i think).One of the Spanish news channel site took interview of Google's chief executive in Spain and Portugal, Isabel Aguilera, she confirmed there that the company has been working on a mobile phone. She admitted that some of their engineer's time is dedicated to the development of a mobile phone. She also told that about 70 percent of Google's engineer's time is dedicated to developing the main products for the company, 20 percent of the time is to develop products that are somewhat related to the main business, and about 10 percent of engineering time is spent on projects that could be tangentially related to the business, indicating that the phone development was not necessarily an active project.
well Google Phone is more of a concept than an actual product and is in active development and the project is being worked on among others.
Posted by Nikhil at 7:57 PM 1 comments
Labels: davv, google news, iips, mobile
Friday, March 16, 2007
Facts of the World Trade Center Collapse on 9/11
I always wondered that it is not possible for a building like WTC7, which was a great work of engineering, to collapse vertically to it's footprints in just 7 seconds at a free fall speed. Why has there been almost "no mention" of this in the U.S. media, and why was there "no mention" of Building 7’s collapse in The 9/11 Commission Report? How the roof inverted toward it's middle during the collapse? And also WTC7 did not simply "fall down". Rather, both towers and building #7 crumbled into concrete powder and small pieces of steel. By evening lower Manhattan was covered with concrete powder up to several inches thick, as if a volcano has erupted nearby. Why all the powder? Why didn't the buildings just fall down or break into large pieces?
The following eleven facts compiled from the research of reputable sources helped me to discover a bit that what really is the truth behind the fall....????
FACT 1: WTC Building 7 was one of the largest buildings in downtown Manhattan. It was 47 stories tall, about half the height of the Towers, and took up an entire city block. It was 300 feet from the closest Twin Tower (the North Tower, WTC 1), and was a steel-framed, concrete structure.
FACT 2: WTC Building 7 – on its 23rd floor – housed an Emergency Command Center for the City of New York that Mayor Rudolph Giuliani had built in the mid-1990’s. On the morning of September 11th, Mayor Giuliani did not go “to his Command Center – with its clear view of the Twin Towers – but to a makeshift, street-level headquarters at 75 Barkley Street.” WTC 7 also held the offices of numerous government agencies, including the Department of Defense, the CIA, the Secret Service, the IRS, and the Security and Exchange Commission. Late 2001 was the time of “the height of the investigation into Enron, so the majority of Enron’s SEC filings were likely destroyed when World Trade Center 7 came down.”
FACT 3: WTC Building 7 was not hit by airplane or significant debris on September 11th. It had been evacuated after the planes hit the towers. By the afternoon of September 11th, there were a few small fires of unknown origin evident in the building, and these small fires could be seen in only a few of the hundreds and hundreds of windows in the building.
FACT 4: On September 11, 2001, at 5:20PM, EDT, World Trade Center Building 7 suddenly and rapidly collapsed. Beginning with the penthouse, all 47 stories of it imploded into its own footprint in less than seven seconds.
FACT 5: On September 16th, NASA flew an airplane over the World Trade Center site, recorded infrared radiation coming from the ground, and created a thermal map. The U.S. Geological Survey analyzed this data, and determined the actual temperature of the rubble. This map shows that five days after the collapse of Building 7, the surface temperature of a section of its rubble was 1,341º F. This high a temperature is indicative of the use of explosives.
FACT 6: Fire Engineering magazine is the 125-year-old paper-of-record of the fire engineering community. Bill Manning, editor-in-chief, wrote an Editor’s Opinion in the January, 2002 edition. His editorial, Selling Out the Investigation, pointed out that destruction of evidence – the hurried removal of rubble which should be examined by investigators – is illegal.
FACT 7: In May of 2002, FEMA published their report #403 titled World Trade Center Building Performance Study. This report claims that the fires caused the building to collapse, but that the specifics of how this is supposed to have occurred “…remain unknown at this time.”
FACT 8: The collapse of WTC Building 7 shows five characteristics of a controlled demolition:
It “dropped directly into its own footprint in a smooth, vertical motion”;
It “collapsed completely in less than seven seconds”;
“Dust streamed out of the upper floors of Building 7 early in its collapse”;
“WTC 7’s roof inverted toward its middle as the collapse progressed”; and
“WTC 7’s rubble was mostly confined to the block on which the building stood.”
FACT 9: “It is inconceivable that anyone could be running around placing explosives in exactly the right places all within seven hours. In fact, implosions take a minimum of two weeks and up to two months to plan and place the charges. The fire department of New York does not even train their personnel to do controlled demolition. They are done by highly skilled experienced specialists who plan and test far ahead.”
FACT 10: “… [George W.] Bush’s brother, Marvin Bush, and his cousin, Wirt Walker III, were principles in the company [Stratesec, formerly named Securacom] that was in charge of security for the World Trade Center, with Walker being the CEO from 1999 until January 2002.”
In summation: A major aspect of 9/11 has been excluded from the entire U.S. media after September 11th, and was also omitted from The 9/11 Commission Report. This was the sudden fall to earth, on September 11th, 2001, of World Trade Center Building 7. Not hit by airplane or significant debris, 300 feet from the closest Twin Tower, and with just a few small fires burning within it, at 5:20PM EDT this massive concrete and steel-framed 47-story skyscraper imploded into its own footprint in less than seven seconds. Its rapid implosion had all of the characteristics of a controlled demolition, and the World Trade Center leaseholder, Larry Silverstein, stated in so many words that the building had been collapsed by demolition. It takes weeks, if not months, to prepare the demolition of a building as large as WTC 7; this implosion could not have been engineered and implemented in seven chaotic hours on September 11th. Therefore, a question emerges:
Who had the means and expertise to engineer such a demolition and acquire needed materiel, and who had access to WTC Building 7 PRIOR TO September 11, 2001 in order to place the explosives?
Some more links which tells us a lot about the collapse rather demolition of WTC7
Posted by Nikhil at 10:57 PM 2 comments
Labels: FACTS
My New Best Friend
Who knew me right away.
It was funny how he understood,
All I had to say.
He listened to my problems,
He listened to my dreams.
We talked about love and life,
He'd been there too it seems.
I never once felt judged by him,
He knew just how I felt.
He seemed just to accept me,
And all the problems I'd been dealt.
He didn't interrupted me,
Or need to have him say.
He just listened very patiently,
And didn't go away.
I wanted him to understand,
How much this meant to me.
But as I went to hug her,
Something startled me.
I put my arms in front of me,
And went to pull him nearer.
And realized that "My New Best Friend",
Was nothing but a "MIRROR".
Posted by Nikhil at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Views of life.....
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Who am I !!!!
I am a Sculpture: I've shaped my morals and philosophies according to the clay of right and wrong.
I am a Painter: With each new idea I express, I paint a new hew i n worlds multitude of colors.
I am a Scientist: Each day that passes by, I gather new data, make important observations and experiments with new concepts and ideas.
I am an Astrologist: Reading and analyzing the palms of life and each new person I encounter.
I am an Astronaut: Constant by exploring and broadening my horizons.
I am a Doctor: I heal those who turn to me for cunsultation and advice, and I bring out the vitality in those who seem to be lifeless.
I am a Lawyer: I'm not afraid to stand up for inevitable and leave sights of myself and all others.
I am a Detective: Peering thru my two lenses. searching for meanings and significance in the mysteries of life.
I m a Banker: Others share their trust and values with me and never lose interest
I am a Poilce Officer: I always watch out for others welfare and I am always on the scene trying in keeping the peace.
I am a Mathematician: Making sure I conqure each one of my problems with correct solutions.
I am a Jury Member: Judging others and their situations only after I've heard and understood the entire story.
I am a Mountain Climber: Slowly but surely I am making my way to "TOP".
I am a Tight Rope Walker: Carefully and stealthinglyI pace myself thru every rough time, but I always safely to the end.
I am a Millionare: Rich in love, sencerity and compassion। I own a wealth of knowledge, wisdom,experience and insight that is priceless।
Most Important, I am "ME" !!
Posted by Nikhil at 4:49 PM 1 comments
Labels: Views of life.....
Touch Light 3D Technology
Career in IT
A great video from Techanvil telling us about why to choose IT career and why not to choose it.